As your child grows, there are developmental milestones that they should reach by certain ages. While every child is different and may achieve their milestones sooner or later than other children do, it can be challenging if your child seems consistently behind their peers. Occupational therapy can make a huge difference in your child’s life by helping them achieve their developmental milestones so they can explore and play with confidence. Keep reading to learn more about developmental delays and how our occupational therapists can help. 

What Is a Developmental Delay?

What Is a Developmental Delay?

Developmental delay is the term used when a child does not reach the developmental milestones expected for their age group. These delays could be in any area of development: 

What Causes Developmental Delays?

There is no singular cause for a developmental delay. Some children simply achieve their milestones later than others or need extra help to gain these vital skills. Developmental delays are also common for children with certain conditions such as:

Signs of Developmental Delays in Children

The most obvious symptom of a developmental delay is simple: your child is at the age where they should have one or more skills that they are struggling to gain. But this can be difficult for parents to identify, as even children from the same household can develop their skills at different ages. 

The best way to judge if your child has a developmental delay is to check a list of developmental milestones. This will make it easier to view the skills your child should have for their specific age range. Some of the most common signs of a developmental delay include:

  • Trouble rolling over, crawling, or sitting up
  • Difficulty standing or walking without help
  • Struggles to learn and use new words
  • Challenges with using and understanding language
  • Trouble with handwriting or self-feeding
  • Difficulty making friends or playing with other children
  • Struggles with learning or remembering things
  • Challenges with paying attention

How Is a Developmental Delay Diagnosed?

Diagnosing developmental delays simply involves comparing a child’s skills to typical developmental milestones for their age. Your child’s pediatrician or pediatric therapist will ask you about your child’s skills and challenges at home. They can also observe your child’s abilities in key developmental areas such as physical movement, communication, and social interactions. Often, pediatricians and pediatric therapists will collaborate to ensure each child gets the right treatment for their unique needs.

How Occupational Therapy Helps Children with Developmental Delays

The goal of occupational therapy is to help children develop the skills they need for independence, confidence, and success in life. Occupational therapists (OTs) use a variety of play-based activities and exercises to help children build their developmental skills in every vital area. Your child’s treatment plan will address their specific delays and can help them gain the skills they need to: 

  • Take care of their own feeding and hygiene
  • Make friends and play well with other children
  • Be able to focus and participate in school
  • Move their body how they want to play and explore
  • Communicate their ideas more easily
  • Understand what others are saying to them
  • Follow routines at home
  • Solve problems and remember things more easily
  • And much more

Schedule an Evaluation

If your child is struggling to achieve their developmental milestones, Little Hands at Play can help. Call us at (479) 226-3409 to schedule an evaluation with our occupational therapists today.

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